How to self-host website on Github Pages?
- Create git repo:
export REPO=nostr-site-demo
mkdir $REPO; cd $REPO;
Create $REPO on github.
Init local repo and push to Github:
git init
git add
git commit -m "first commit"
git branch -M main
git remote add origin$USER/$REPO.git
git push -u origin main
- Setup Github Pages:
- open repo page on github
- open Settings -> Pages
- under Branch choose 'main' and save
- Wait 1-2 minutes and reload the settings -> Pages page until you see "Your site is live at URL".
- copy URL of your github pages website
- Go to admin panel and choose your site and open Settings.
- edit Website Address, paste the URL of your Github Pages address
- click Save
Download the updated zip archive for self-hosting at Extract files from archive to your REPO dir, commit, push to Github:
unzip path/to/zip/
git add .
git commit -m "Add site files"
git push origin main
- Wait 1 minute for Github to update your site.
You should be done now!